Typescript SDK


DeltaDeFi's Typescript SDK provides utility functions to interact with the API service and sign transactions with provided keys.


The SDK is hosted on npmjs.com, so you can directly import it using your favorite package manager.

npm i @deltadefi-protocol/typescript-sdk
yarn add @deltadefi-protocol/typescript-sdk

Getting Started

Placing and canceling orders are as simple as below.

import { AppWalletKeyType } from '@meshsdk/core';
import { ApiClient } from '@deltadefi-protocol/typescript-sdk';

// Obtain your API key through DeltaDeFi dashboard
const apiKey = process.env.API_KEY || '';

// Loading the wallet with seed phrase (same as your account obtaining API key)
// Documentation - https://meshjs.dev/apis/appwallet
const signingKey: AppWalletKeyType = {
    type: 'mnemonic',
    words: (process.env.MNEMONIC || '').split(',') || [],

// Initializing programmatic API client
const api = new ApiClient({ apiKey, signingKey, network: 'preprod' });

Posting Order

// Posting order instantly without fee
const buildRes = await api.postOrder({
    pair: 'ADAUSDX',
    side: 'sell',
    type: 'limit',
    quantity: 1000_000_000,
    price: 0.62,

Cancel Order

// Canceling order instantly without fee
const cancelRes = await api.orders.cancelOrder(buildRes.order.order_id);
console.log('cancel order response', cancelRes);


Current seed phrase wallet loading supports only the first account's first address (i.e. m/1852'/1815'/0'/0/0 when you check inside your browser wallet), for example in Eternl's single address mode:

If you are looking to connect a more dynamic account, please get in touch with the team for support.

Last updated